
the quiet inside

Because my life has been devoured by school, I have not updated recently.

But today! Today! Be still my heart. Today it is "sunny, warm and windy" as forecasted this morning on the radio. 70 degrees, windy, beautiful blue sky, cascading yellow and orange leaves. Need I say more? It is the quintessential fall day - just perfect.
And I have some news to announce: I'm pregnant.
It feels good to have this happy secret today, when all is right. In other news, Finn has just started walking! He gains some momentum and takes a bunch of steps, arms high in the air for balance, before falling on the ground and smiling triumphantly. What a fun age!

Like I said, school swallowed my life, so I don't have any photos today. I'm sorry - I really wish I did. But I have had so many tests and papers lately that I haven't had time for much else. I didn't even get to the farmers' market on Saturday, which is a travesty in my book.

So I am trying to re-cultivate that quiet place inside me that seems to have disappeared lately due to all the hustle and bustle of life.
How do you maintain the quiet inside?


Lainey Seyler said...

CONGRATS!!!!!! i'm sure you guys are totally stoked! seriously, going to be an adorable baby/kid/adult.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my love!!!!

And what I do to find and keep that quiet in me, I go to a quiet place, and I look out the window at the moving and calm trees and just like that, I'm at peace =) (Trees know everything).

Natalie Freeman said...

today was the perfect day to reveal your little secret. i am so happy for you guys! & i am so thankful to be so close to you while you're going through this pregnancy. it is a treasure for me to see you growing with a little babe inside! :) & if you guys ever need anything, please ask. we love you all!

also, i've been lacking that quiet in my life, too. on sunday, i realized life is crashing down all around me & i needed to make some changes. so, this morning, i woke up earlier & read my bible + wrote in my journal. it calmed me & i felt so at peace. i carried God's comfort around with me all day :)

love you!

fawn & fern said...

awww Jess! Congratulations!
All my love to you, Scott, Finn & baby #2! : )

Anoma said...

I've been painting lately. Watercolors and acryllic. It makes for hours of quiet space inside!

I love you.

michele said...

oh jessica, i'm so excited for you! another little one! congrats!

jessie said...

so. excited. :)

and i have actually thought many a time about the dino hoodie and how in the world you were able to pass it on! it will gladly be returned as soon as joseph grows out of it. perhaps new baby sapoz will wear it?

Kelsey W. said...

Okay, so I finally just found your real blog, and I am so excited. I love your posts!

Kelsey W.